Twight Financial Education hosts events that bring strangers, friends & family, and even co-workers together to collaborate and strengthen personal finance skills. You may also find that these groups events provide the extra accountability only a cohort can compel. Events can be virtual, or in person (according to the public guidelines in effect at the time of the event.
Past Events
Economic Security for Women hosted by Seattle AAUW 2021-2022 Zombies and Zinfandel See a theme here? Riesling and Retirement Mutual Funds and Merlot Organizing Your Finances is held at Office Nomads.
Get your act together so that your wishes are known, values shared and personal property is identified. For your family. See also links below:
No events scheduled, but persuade me! Workplace Classes
Have Dana Speak in your Community
Selected presentation and
pro bono highlights Getting and Keeping Good Credit for NW Employee Assistance (EAP) plans 2015-2019 Zombies and Zinfandel at Office Nomads, Spring 2016 WSBA Small and Solo Conference CE presenter July 2016 Workshop leader Red Pencil in the Woods, the biennial conference of the EDSGUILD October 2015 Retirement Planning with with Air Force service-members in Spangdahlem, Germany May-July 2015 |